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KMID : 0359020070350020096
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2007 Volume.35 No. 2 p.96 ~ p.99
A Case of Double Pylorus Accompanied by Duodenal Ulcer
Lee Ji-Yeon

Lee Hyun-Jeong
Lee Jong-Sup
Hyun Jin-Nam
Kim So-Mi
Kim Seok-Young
Lee Won-Jun
Choi Seung-Jin
Chon Il-Young
Oh Dong-Joon
Double pylorus is a rare abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract and it presents as two openings between the gastric antrum and the duodenal bulb. The acquired type is more common than the congenital one and this acquired type arises secondary to peptic ulcer disease. A 68-year-old man visited the gastrointestinal clinic and he presented with chronic epigastric pain and dyspepsia. Upper endoscopy showed double pylorus with an accessory channel on the lesser curvature side of the prepyloric antrum and also an active duodenal ulcer. Upon review of the patient¡¯s past history and examination, the findings of the upper endoscopy that was done 7 years previously were within the normal limits. The patient was diagnosed as having a double pylorus secondary to duodenal ulcer and he treated conservatively with anti-ulcer therapy. We report here on a case of double pylorus along with the brief review of the literature.
Double pylorus, Duodenal ulcer
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